Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Its a new month

and that means the March kits are up at Lime Tart. Every month they are gorgeous and packed with so many yummy goodies but this month they are extra gorgeous, I really couldn't pick a fave!!!!

Full Tart.

A la Tarte.

Half Tart.

Gourmet Tart.

See, I told you they are all extra gorgeous!!!! So pop on over before they sell out, I am off to go play with mine now. Philippa sent me the Half Tart this month and I couldn't help myself, I ordered the Full Tart too :)


  1. HI COL xx these kits look goreous as usual... I lvoe that Willow card you made, adn the curio layout is amazing :)

  2. Wow each of those kits are just stunning, how awesome to be on their DT, cannot wait to see what you create with your 1 1/2 tart kits. Melx
